Posture Performance & Wellness

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What was your position in the car?
If Driver, were your hands on the steering wheel?
If Passenger, were you sitting in
Did your vehicle strike another vehicle?
Was your vehicle struck by another vehicle?
Angles of impact… First Collision:
If Second Collision:
Were you wearing a seat belt?
Did you brace for impact?
If Yes, then
Which way were you facing at the time of impact?
Did you strike anything in vehicle at time of impact?
Did the seat back bend / break?
Immediately following the accident, how did you feel?
Did you go to hospital?
Were you admitted to the hospital?
If you went to hospital, when?
How did you get to hospital?
What treatment was given
Have you seen any other doctor as a result of this accident?
Neck Pain | Check off the areas that the pain runs into from the neck
Ringing in Ears
Blurry Vision
Wrist Pain
Jaw Pain
Other Disturbances
Low Back Pain | Select the areas of radiation, if any…..
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Foot Pain
Have You lost any time from work due to your injuries?
Have you had previous injuries or accidents?
Is there any residual pain from the previous injury?